Seawall projects can seem like a daunting task – we are here to change that!
Seawalls are not only an important erosion control infrastructure for coastal communities, but have also become an important flood defense, especially as seas continue to rise. Here at Brizaga, we are your trusted seawall advisors. We don’t build walls, but rather work with you to find the right seawall for you – and make the process as easy as possible.
Seawall Associates is powered by Brizaga, and is bringing transparency, improved customer service, site-specific engineering, and a streamlined process to any seawall project. So, we built a dedicated website just for seawalls.
The reality is that your seawall is probably the most expensive thing you own that you never think about. Our goal is to make sure that your seawall doesn’t become a horror story (a Halloween blog post). We invite you to learn more about Broward County’s Seawall Policy, and how sea level rise will impact how seawalls are built. It is just one the factors that we consider that sets up apart from other folks.
Our team are here to be your trusted seawall advisors – your guide for your project.
Learn more at our Seawall Associates website.